REPLY!!!! NOW. GO!!!!
Hello my dear family.
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes and all the love that I have been getting. It's great. Thanks for the package... I literally got it... today, two hours ago but I haven't opened it yet. With the mail strike and everything I was thinking that I was going to sing like Harry Potter. "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, no presents, no body, happy birthday to me." But now I won't have to. The mail has opened up and I got flooded with letters today. One even all the way from Kenya (Elder Hodges). That was an awesome suprise. He is already done with his first transfer. That's just crazy.
Something that totally turn my world over was that our mission president said we could get on Facebook ONCE and update it with our testimony. I thought that was pretty smart.
Well, I'm actually doing pretty great. Wonderful actually. My companion and I are doing our best to milk our area, leave with members everyday and talk with more people. We are having some pretty good expereinces but wow... we are working so hard that when Sunday comes... we are so tired... we literally can't get out of bed. But we do. We go to church and word a little bit more. It's pretty fun.
Life is just flying by. Honestly... it's crazy how fast it flies by. When I got the email asking when my release date would be my world basically turned upsidedown shook itself for a while, did a couple of backflips as my body exploded. The computer quite literally went straight through my mind. But normality has been established and with a quiet fright, I move on. It's literally coming too fast.
Anyways. Just so you know I'm wonderful.
On the 10th of Nov we are going to have some visits from general authorities, Elder Mazzarguard and Elder Evans. It's going to be so cool. The mission has been quite low in baptisms in the last while. Honestly, it's like we were running, then got tired, now we are walking taking a joyride looking at all the cool things. But me and my companion have been seeing some amazing things happen around us and with us. Missionaries finding miracles and receiving blessing, baptisms happening. My district leader is having weekly baptisms and I want to be like him. He is actually one of my old companions, Elder Romero, if you remember him. He is an amazing missionary and is baptizing almost everyweek.
Anyways. I'm sending some pics. I hope you like them cause I do.
So I have been working on memorizing D&C 4 this week and it has been giving me added strength. It's so cool to see how scriptures help. Honestly. Memorize one. See the added strength you with receiving.
Endure to the End
I love you
Signing Out
Elder Barry