
Friday, October 18, 2013

Music and Videos

I've got a new page for you to look at, it's the music page. I'm going to periodically post music that I like and I think others might like as well. Let me know what you think.

Also I'll be periodically putting more good uplifting videos into the Uplifting video Folder

Singing Out
Matthew John Barry

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A long time coming...

It seems like the longer I wait to write something on here, the more desire I have to actually write something. That is probably the reason why I don't write every week and have a lot of time between posts, but hopefully you still enjoy this even though the posts are scarce and far in-between. Usually I have a purpose for writing but unfortunately for you or maybe fortunately for you, I don't have a purpose for writing. I just want to sit down and write. Get something out and get my mind going for the day. Some good ol' verbal vomit for you.

Something that I like doing is writing poems. They aren't that good but I still like doing it. Sometimes I get a great idea for a poem and I can just sit down and write for pages on that one theme. Other times it comes over the space of many days. I wish it was something I could control, something that I could just sit down and spill over the page but usually it takes time.

It makes me think about some of my desires, like to start a band. Get some music started. I would love to be able to play on a stage at least once in my life. To be able to get up in front of a group of people and show them something original that I created. That is a dream, That is something that I would love to be able to do constantly. Then I remember about the time and effort that goes into that and the time I don't really have.

We all are different and have our own little hobbies and things that we like to do and that is the way we were created. Could you imagine what life would be like if we were all the same. If we all wanted to become doctors or actors. Like wouldn't be so full of opportunity. There would be many unhappy people because somebody needs to be a policeman, someone needs to be a truck driver. Some also needs to be an electrician. If everyone wanted to be a doctor then that whole world would be unhappy except for the select few who were able to become doctors.

Remember that you are different and different is good. It's something that we need. We all have our talents that will help our community and world. The only thing that matters is that you love what you are doing and that what you do helps those around you.

I hope you enjoyed my verbal vomit for the day or maybe the month.

Promise that I'll post a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago on here.

Singing Out
Matthew John Barry

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It's been a while...

... since i've written on here.

Wow, almost 3 months maybe 4 months since i've written on this blog. Sorry about that. This next week I've got a new post that I'm going to post. Come back after a week and I'll have something for you to read.

Have a Great Week

Signing Out
Matthew John Barry