
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Power of the Book of Mormon

Hello my dearest Family,

I love you all. You have no idea how much my love has grown since I have been away from you.I loved hearing everyone and talking with everyone. I left that phone call full of the spirit.
Jessica, I was looking at the pictures that mom sent me and you look like mom standing next to mom. Especially with your glasses... When did you get glasses?Vaughn, Congratulations!!!!! Did you finish your dissertation? How did that go?I'm pretty sure that I won't be a doctor. Unless it's a doctor of music... But I still have 1 year and 3 months before I know for sure.

During the call I was so excited to hear that Spencer was going on a mission. I can't wait to hear where he is going. I don't know if it was against the rules... but I loved it. I wasn't able to hear Tyler all that well but I can't wait for the experience he will have in Kenya.

Well, I just want to tell you that my testimony has grown so much about The Book of Mormon. Monday night we were with some young men that are preparing to get baptized. We showed them The Book of Mormon and I gave them a challenge. I asked if they had any questions. They said yes. One asked something about our spirits and the other asked about the evil in the world. Well we opened 1 Nephi 1:1 and read it to them. They both received an answer to their questions in the same verse. I have such a strong testimony that when we read the Book of Mormon with a question in our mind the Lord will reveal an answer is such a way that we understand it.I know that this Chruch is true.

Endure to the End

Signing Out

Elder Barry

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